Starcare Hospital
Urology Department devotes itself to helping with rapid, accurate diagnosis and
immediate, effective treatment for a wide range of urological and genital
problems. The department is staffed by consultants with specialized training in
Laparoscopic surgeries, Lithotripsy, and management of common Urological
problems. We focus on non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments so that we
can give you the best possible results with the minimum amount of discomfort.
Over half of all men are affected by prostate problems at some point in their
lives, with illnesses ranging from enlarged prostates to prostatitis to
prostate cancer. All these disorders can be uncomfortable, painful, and even
life threatening. With a wide range of treatment options to cover all stages of
disease, our urologists bring you relief using drug therapy, minimally invasive
treatment, and surgery. We were among the First in Oman in the private health
sector to offer Bipolar TURP, which is very safe and minimally invasive
treatment for the prostate enlargement. A common disorder, kidney stones is now
easier to diagnose and treat. Endoscopic and percutaneous removals are among
the many options available at Starcare Hospital. Diagnostic techniques at the
Urology Center include all routine & some specialized bladder radiographic
analysis to view the bladder urinary system using CT scan & x-rays.
Treatment follows to improve bladder control and help regain confidence.
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